She flies with her own wings by Annie Stone


She flies with her own wings_2500

She flies with her own wings by Annie Stone



Thea Bennet needs a new apartment, but she doesn’t want to live alone. After looking at a lot of rooms she finds her dream apartment. She just knows, this is it. Tom, who opens the door for her, is hot, really hot, smoking hot.

And then there is Will and Matt, the other two roommates. Thea doesn‘t know, how her heart will cope … not to speak of other body parts. Three sexy men, that she can‘t have, as she doesn‘t want to cause trouble. Does she?


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cooltext118840145137455Annie Stone

Author Pic

I love…

…my family.






…beautiful things with no use whatsoever.

I write steamy romance about strong women and modern men. My storys can be provocative, they are sometimes sad, sometimes romantic. But they all end good. Promise.

I’m 33 and live in the western part of Germany. I have a masters degree in political sciences and before I decided to be a fulltime writer I worked for a political party. The love to write and the love to read are the two things, that my dad gave me. I started telling stories before I was even able to write them down.

But the thing is, I have never been able to finish them. I have a lot of beginnings, but after a short amount of pages, sometimes five, sometimes even fifty, I lost interest in the stories and I started anew. But then I started reading steamy romance and it felt, as if I have found my genre. From that moment on the words practically flew from my fingers and I was instantly hooked. And I don’t want to ever stop.


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