Speed Dating (The Speed Dating Series Book 1) by Tabatha Vargo, Dawn Robertson, Melissa Andrea
My Vagina’s the black hole of the south.
Every time I screw a guy he disappears off of the face of the earth—sucked into the great beyond where apparently there’s no cellphones or social networking.Because of that, I live the one night stand life. I’m the revolving door of my apartment complex—the knob that everyone gets to turn once, but it’s time I tried something new.
I don’t care if it takes a hundred cocky douche-bags, momma’s boys, and minute men, I will find the one for me.
He’s out there somewhere, and it’s only a matter of time before I find him. Speed dating or not.
My Review
You have the worst luck with sex. All these dates and you haven’t had good sex yet. I’d tell you to just give up, but I hate quitters.
You guys know how much I love Dawn Robertson, right? Well, Speed Dating is just another book to add to her list of winning books. Speed Dating by Tabatha Vargo, Dawn Robertson, and Melissa Andrea is about Julia and from the beginning we know that she’s about to be thrown head first into a comedy of errors, of sorts.
With two besties by her side, one who is just this side of sane, she embarks on the journey of finding “the one” that starts a crash course in speed dating. Crash is definitely the operative word in this case, as she has more than her fair share of “bad date” stories. My favorite stories are of Julia’s night in the dorm and Sadie’s “donkey punch” story. Holy crap, it’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking something when I read that. Let that be a warning for you. Put the glass of whiskey down before reading.
The characters are witty, funny, and aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves or each other. Julia is the funny heroine, she just keeps getting back on the horse so to speak. Sadie is the free spirit who will sleep with anyone. Shelly, the Dairy Queen employee slash bestie. Of all the characters, Sam may be my favorite, the perfect bartender…always keeps your glass full and lends and ear. Set in Daytona Beach, Florida it really is a fun, lighthearted beach read.
At only 89 pages, this is a quick read that will leave you wanting the second book NOW. I’ve already told Dawn this and she just laughs at me and tells me I need to wait. Even though Speed Dating is just the first in a three part series, it was definitely worth the journey. I’ll be reading it again soon and I’ll be the first in line when the second book is published.
But tonight wasn’t about relaxing. It was about getting drunk enough to tolerate half the men in the room long enough to figure out if they were Mr. Right, Mr. Right Now, or Mr. Holy Shit You’ll Be Single For Life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars
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