Spotlight on Author L.A. Fiore



Spotlight on Author L.A. Fiore


L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Waiting for the One and A Glimpse of the Dream. She’s also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.


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Lark O’Bannion learned early that life isn’t really like a fairy tale.

Parents don’t always love their children unconditionally.

Damsels are usually left to deal with their distress alone and Prince Charming rarely, if ever, comes riding to the rescue. Happily-ever-afters are a lovely concept, but in reality are few and far between.

When Sebastian Ross rolls into her life on his Harley, with his dark beauty and inked skin, Lark is willing to admit that maybe she doesn’t know as much as she thinks she does. Sebastian wants nothing more than to get out from under the control of his parents and their desire to force him into a mold.

Changing schools in his senior year isn’t an act of rebellion, but his attempt to take control of his life by following his own path. One look into Lark’s emerald-green eyes and control is taken out of Bastian’s hands.

He will discover that the only path he wants to follow is the one that leads to her.

Mature YA for Adult situations and language. Author’s Note: This is a new edition to the previously released Just Me. New publication date: October 6, 2015.


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L. A. Fiore has created a closed reader group on Facebook:

L.A. Fiore’s Femme Fabulous Readers.



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Both Beautifully Damaged and Beautifully Forgotten are included in the Kindle Avid Reader Special Offer on Amazon, US only. Both Books are $1.99 Offer ends on 11/2/2015.


Kindle Monthly Deal for A Glimpse of the Dream for $1.99


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His Light in the Dark | February 2016 Release | Cover Reveal Coming December 2015


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