Still Into You by Ryleigh Andrews (Never Over You Series Book 2) Release Blitz

Still Into You (Never Over You Series Book 2) by Ryleigh Andrews

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 21, 2015

Cover Designer: Naila Qamber Design

Cover Photography: Perrywinkle Photography , MH Photography



What happens when you continually run from your demons?

When Mia watched Ethan walk out of her life, she did what she did best—she ran—ran from the only person who ever made her feel safe; home.

They work even harder to try and find you.

He was her everything and she let him slip away.

And when they do É theyÕll come at you full force, guns blazing.

Hitting rock bottom forced Mia to stop. Now she needed to dig herself out. Figuring out how to do that required help, maybe a plan. She had to face those demons. Not an easy task when she spent her entire life running from them.

Would Ethan still be there for Mia after all was said and done? Or would she find that he had moved on? Or would he still be into her?


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With her lips above his stomach, her tears tried to make an appearance, but she fought hard, not wanting them to ruin this moment.

His hand pushed aside her fallen hair, tucking it behind her ear as he caressed her cheek and then her mouth. She kissed each finger as they slowly crossed her lips.

He rolled them over and stared down at her. Lowering his head, he lightly kissed each closed eye, causing a lone tear to slip down her cheek, puddling by her earlobe.

ÒOpen your eyes, suga,Ó he beckoned her, situating himself between her legs. She felt him hard against her center, waiting, yet she kept her eyes shut.

ÒLook at me,Ó he ordered again before kissing her lips. Mia finally opened her eyes, focusing on his as he slowly entered her. She couldnÕt help it—her eyelids slid closed at how good it felt to have him inside of her.

Ethan stopped moving and held her chin between his thumb and index finger. ÒNo, keep them open. Look at me,Ó he repeated as he pushed himself all the way inside with one swift stroke.

ÒAh, fuck,Ó she said on an exhale of breath, loving the way he filled her so completely, so perfectly.

About The Author


During the day, Ryleigh is an analyst, but even then, sheÕs writing, sneakily crafting scenes on post-it notes. She’s been told she’s a bit of a geek…some say nerd. She’ll agree to it all. She loves music. It’s been a force in her life for as long as she can remember. Her love of Star Wars and superheroes has probably been going on just as long…see, this is where the geek/nerd thing comes into play. But, most of all, Ryleigh loves the written word. She’s been writing for a long time. Her first story came to her during one of her history classes. She wrote it in the margins of her notebook in teeny tiny letters so no one knew that she was writing a book instead of taking notes on 16th Century Europe. She currently lives in Chicago, Illinois, with her husband and son, along with her Siberian Husky, Mick Jagger, and her cat, Winston Churchill.

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