Stripped by Jacinda Wilder Book Review

Stripped by Jacinda Wilder

Synopis from Amazon

He’s a movie star sex god. She’s a virgin… and a stripper.

So how did I get myself into this situation, you ask? Simple: desperation. When you’re faced with being homeless and hungry or taking off your clothes for money, the choice is easier than you’d imagine. That doesn’t make it easy, though. Oh no. I hate it, in fact. There’s nothing I’d like more than to quit and never go into another bar again, never hear the techno beat pulsing in my ears again, never feel the lecherous gazes of horny men again.

Then, one day, I meet a man. He’s in my club, front and center. He watches me do my routine, and his gaze is full of hunger. Not the kind of desire I’m used to though. It’s something different. Something hotter, deeper, and more possessive. I know who he is; of course I do. Everyone knows who Dawson Kellor is. He’s People Magazine’s Sexiest Man alive. He’s the hottest actor in Hollywood. He’s the man hand-picked for the role of Rhett Butler in the long-awaited remake of Gone With the Wind.

He’s the kind of man who can have any woman in the entire world with a mere crook of his finger. So what’s he doing looking at me like he has to have me? And how do I resist him when he looks at me with those intoxicating, changeable, quicksilver eyes?

I’m a virgin, and he’s an American icon of male sexuality. I’m a stripper, and he’s a man used to getting anything and everything he wants. And he wants me. I know I should say no, I know he’s the worst kind of player…but what my mind knows, my body and my heart may not.

And then things get complicated.

My Review of Stripped by Jacinda Wilder

This is another great book borrowed from my cousin. I’ve said it before, she has great taste in authors. 😉

I read Stripped by Jacinda Wilder in just a few hours and it was the perfect little getaway. For me, the book was a little slow-going in the beginning, but that allows you into Grey’s backstory. That’s how we find out how she was raised and why she ends up so far from home and alone.

I wanted Grey to find love, to find herself, to show her Dad just how she could make it. We see her struggle and fight with herself, with her pride. Then, it happens. We meet Dawson, okay..Grey meets Dawson. But holy – we all WANT to meet Dawson. He’s an extremely successful actor, a cross between Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill (Man of Steel), and Josh Duhamel (according to Ms. Wilder). Who wouldn’t want to get close to that?

Grey has to struggle with her inner conflicts once Dawson makes all of her other conflicts “disappear.” Lets just say he has more money that he knows what to do with and uses it for good. Dawson is with her the entire journey and I love the passion that they have for each other.

Just as in Jacinda Wilder’s other books, the romance is intense and the sex scenes are wonderfully written. The love between Grey and Dawson is emotional and loving. Dawson is sweet, gentle and passionate. Stripped does have a happily ever after, you know how much I love those.

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