Tattooed Dots by Kimberly Knight Review


My Review of Tattooed Dots by Kimberly Knight

Okay, before I start my review – let me tell you what I told Kimberly the moment I was done reading Tattooed Dots.

Wow. Just Wow. Just finished Tattooed Dots and it was so realistic and I just had to keep reading. I wasn’t really sure I could like Easton after the first chapter, but now…yes, now I love that man! I want the next book NOW!

This is a story of romance, redemption, and second chances. Tattooed Dots will make you despise the hero, rip your heart out, and ultimately have you falling in love with Easton.

I said it. You’ll hate him, really truly despise him. I could make excuses that he was young and stupid, but honestly he was young and stupid. Move forward in time and he has moved, has a child, and owns a bar with his best friend. Easton’s hot and all grown up (okay, 31). But he grows up, a little because of age and a lot because of his child. Don’t get me wrong – Easton is a total player, but when he meets Brooke all bets are off.

Brooke meets Easton on a singles cruise, even though she isn’t technically single (blame her best friend, Nicole). Brooke won’t let herself become a cheater, since she is still in a relationship, but that doesn’t stop both she and Easton from talking and falling for each other. Nicole and Easton’s best friend, Avery, become an item on the cruise and that forces Easton to spend even more time with Brooke. Even though Brooke is running away by the end of the week, that doesn’t stop Easton.

Kimberly Knight weaves a story of sweet love, growing up, and facing what life throws at you with the person you love by your side. Easton is there to catch Brooke when life throws a few twists into the mix. This story hit home for me because I’ve been though this situation and holy crap, let me tell you I was bawling! (Damn you, Kimberly!) Tattooed Dots had the perfect ending with the best characters.

There are some loose ends for the characters, but this is the first book in the Halo Series and I cannot wait to read the rest of their stories. I can say I’ve never met a Kimberly Knight Book that I didn’t love. Just add this one to the list. 😉

★ ★ ★  ★ Sweet, Sexy, Cry my Eyes Out Stars

  • Easton as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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About the Author

kimberly knight

Kimberly Knight has just moved from the Bay Area in California to the mountains near a lake with her loving husband and spoiled cat, Precious. In her spare time, she enjoys watching her favorite reality TV shows, playing co-ed slow pitch softball in a few local leagues,rooting for her SF Giants and San Jose Sharks and playing computer games like World of Warcraft with Audrey Harte and online poker. Now that she is near a lake, she plans on working on her tan and doing more outdoor stuff like…watching hot guys ski. However, the bulk of her time is dedicated to writing and reading Romance and Erotic fiction.


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