Teaser from Breaking the Rules by HB Heinzer

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Teaser from Breaking the Rules by HB Heinzer

“Okay, Peanut. Here’s the real test…” He looked at her with a stern expression. Carly didn’t understand what he meant and wasn’t sure she was ready to hear what he had to say. “What color tastes the best?”

Carly doubled over with laughter. “No brainer. Green M&M’s are the best.” She watched Adam scan the entire store until he found the tubes of green candies. He grabbed a bag and filled it with more candies than Carly had ever seen at one time; all of them green.

“There. Now, when you get all mopey, you’ll have chocolate to keep you company.” They headed to toward the register to pay for their treats before heading back out into the street. Carly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when the cashier gave them their total. Once they were outside, Adam handed the bag to Carly, which she shoved into the patchwork hobo bag she’d chosen for the night.

“What happens if I run out?” She asked, looking at the bag filled with five pounds of candy. It was a ridiculous question, but she was curious.

“If you eat all of that before I get back to the city, I think you’ll probably wind up sick as a dog, never wanting to eat chocolate again.” Adam tossed his arm around Carly’s shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze.

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