Tempo by Kelly Collins writing as Kelley Maestas

Tempo by Kelly Collins writing as Kelley Maestas


What happens when the tempo of your life is destroyed by circumstances out of your control? Do you give up and give in, or do you fight to get your life back?
Karlie McKenna is facing a dilemma, does she continue to follow her safe but celibate lifestyle or does she race toward a new beginning? Summoned to the boss’ office she has no option but to head to Las Vegas for the opportunity of a lifetime.
Vincent Scarpetti has been running from his own demons. Attempting to right the wrongs in his past, Scarpetti searches for his freedom in Tempo, the newest and most anticipated resort in Las Vegas.
Set on a collision course, can they survive the impact?
Tensions rise as the lines between conference room and bedroom blur. Will Vincent offer Karlie what she wants? Can Karlie give Vincent what he needs?
Find out what happens to them both as they adjust to the new tempo that will rule their world.

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About the Author

Kelly Collins lives in Colorado with her husband, James. She’s the proud mother of three young adults. They are her greatest accomplishment.
Reading has always been a passion. That passion turned into a career after she took a flight to New York and asked a what if question. That question turned into her first book, Tempo.
She has a passion for her family, a love of lemon drop martinis and is known to stop for anything shiny. She loves hockey, gerbera daisies and standing in front of her fireplace until she nearly combusts.
with a martini and her laptop, Kelly wants nothing more than to create a world
that any woman would want to explore.
Follow Kelly on Facebook for updates, contests and additional information regarding new releases.

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