The Therapist by Jaden Wilkes Review

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My Review of The Therapist by Jaden Wilkes

The doctor is in…or so they say. Is he really in or is he just a sociopath. I have always liked Wilkes work, but this one I truly do like not as much as The Beast, or Dirty Little Freaks.  This book is on the completely different spectrum of a dark erotic read. If you have sensitive eyes and/or your head can’t wrap around this dark of a read, please look for another book.

Dr. Alexandre Dane…when I first started reading about him, I’m like dayummm he’s HOT. Even though he’s a bit egotistical it works for him and he knows it.

I don’t even know where to begin with this review/revision of what I’ve read. Dr. Dane is a psychologist who helps rape victims. Throughout the story he has a select group of friends that are neither here, nor there.

He truly feels he’s helping his victims, but the more you read on the more you realize…Shit, this man may just have some multiple personality disorder. Than around 85% into the book it all starts making sense. It’s almost like a movie in a way there is so much build up and your like what the fuck?!? And then you realize the full circle and why someone would be out to harm the handsome doctor.

No lie – totally and completely screwed up in the head from reading this book!  If your looking for a dark and super edgy book this one is for you!

★ ★  1/2  Stars

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