Therapist by Jaden Wilkes is a Dark Erotic Novel
Expected Release: Late April

I am a sociopath.I know this because I diagnosed myself.
I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from a very prestigious university.
I am charming, attractive, and you probably want to sleep with me.
I take what I want, when I want, and I enjoy picking the most tragic of all my patients to experiment with.
I have no remorse, I am unrelenting in my pursuit of tragedy, and I am about to meet my match.
Her name is not important, I am only allowed to call her Mistress. She is a femme fatale, a patient, and now an obsession.
She will destroy me, I will do anything to get inside of her.
I can already feel her inside of me.

Author Bio:
Jaden is the pen name of a girl living on the prettiest farm in BC. She shares her space with her husband, her children, and an Irish Wolfhound named Tiberius. She can now be found lurking in the dark corners of the internet looking for artful porn gifs, dirty poems and places to promo her work.