Thorneless by Mia Michelle
I hate him..I love him..I hate that I still love him but I do. My parents, my life, my happiness, my heart….he has officially taken all of them from me now. Yes, I am the wilting dying Rose that once belonged to Sebastian Thorne. He had given me back my life, but little did I know he was the very one who had taken it all away from me from the start. I hate him…I love him.
I never expected Lucas Drake to walk back in my life when I was at my lowest and darkest point. He promises that he will help me heal this pain, but in order to do that he says I need to get away from this town. Maybe he is right. There is nothing here for me anymore but painful memories…and Sebastian. Maybe the only way for this Rose to survive is to do the one impossible thing. I Skylar Rose… must become Thorneless.

My Review
I loved Rose of Thorne and waited patiently for the second book, Thorneless. Needless to say, the day I received the ARC I started reading and didn’t put the book down until I was done. Rose of Thorne was a cliffhanger, as is Thorneless. I’m telling you, because I want you to know that going into the book. I love the story and I almost threw my eReader across the room after the last page! I was mad, mad, mad that it was a cliffhanger. Although, to me, I think that’s the sign of a good book – because there was so much emotion throughout Rose of Thorne that I just wanted to find out what happened next.
Mia Michelle continues the story of Sebastian, Skylar, and Lucas in this follow-up. All of the passion and suspense from the first book are pulled into Thorneless. Sebastian actually doesn’t make too many appearances in the first half of the book, so we see the relationship dynamic between Skylar and Lucas. If you remember, the ending of Rose of Thorne left us wanting to know what happened to Skylar after Lucas found her and that is exactly where Ms. Michelle picks up the story.
Find out who Skylar’s heart really belongs to and if she’ll listen to her head or follow that heart. Beautifully written, suspenseful, steamy and simply fantastic. I love the Rose of Thorne Series and cannot wait for the next book to be released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

Mia fell in love with the literary world at a very young age and began putting her active imagination to pen and paper by the age of six. Over the years, she has filled up numerous shelves with her notebooks and journals of her favorite stories. Twelve years ago, Mia began drafting The Thorne Series and through encouragement of a close friend, decided to finally take the leap of faith to bring her dream to life. She openly admits to having a hopeless infatuation with her Kindle and suffers from the one-click book addiction (No intervention required).
Mia is currently a stay at home mom who has mastered the fine art of making a PB&J sandwich in between laundry and shuttling kids to ballet and swimming. In her spare time (“What spare time?” She laughs), she enjoys photography, traveling, and having a girls night out with her pals. She enjoys the simple things in life, such as sleeping more than 3 hours per night and 10 minute showers without being interrupted by children yelling “mommy” from the other side of the bathroom door.
Mia Michelle resides in Tennessee with her soul mate and husband of 18 years and their 2 beautiful young children. She is currently working on her Masters in Counseling and drafting her new series.
Interview with Mia Michelle
What sparked your interest in becoming a romance writer?
I have written stories since I was six years old and I have always wanted to see the ‘happily ever after’ happen between two people. I think that once we are with someone for a long time, we easily forget how wonderful everything had felt when it was new and exciting. I love immortalizing that feeling for the reader.
What was the first romance novel you read that made an impression on you?
Danielle Steel’s Heartbeat.
Tell us 5 surprising things about yourself
1) I love zombie and vampire shows.
2) I love dancing in clubs.
3) I have a slight obsession with Betty Boop(okay it’s a HUGE obsession).
4) I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Degree in Child Development.
5) I love MMA Fighting!!!
What is your writing environment?
Anywhere I can park my booty and laptop. This has varied from the hood of my jeep to my bathroom floor. I will write anywhere!
One of your favorite quotes.
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”-Dr. Seuss
Who is your perfect hero? And why?
My daddy was my perfect hero. Growing up, I thought he was invincible and could protect me from anyone or anything. He shielded me from so much of the harshness of the world until I was ready to face it on my own. He wasn’t afraid to admit when he was wrong and always stood up for what he thought was right. My hero was a humble man that would have given the shirt off his back if you needed it and never asked for recognition. I looked up to him when I was a child and I know that my hero is now looking down from Heaven with a smile.
Which authors have caught your interest lately? Why?
Harper Sloan, HM Ward & M. Leighton. Their writing styles are so captivating to me. They pull me in from the beginning and leave me begging for more!!
What type of book have you always wanted to write?
I have always written romance stories. I love it when two people’s lives come together in unique ways to form a forever.
Who are your dream dinner party guests?
Ooohhh..Can we lick the dinner male eye candy? LOL.. Ian Somerhalder, David Beckham, Jensen Ackles, Colin Farrell, Alex O’Loughlin, Chris Hemsworth, Emmy Montes, Raine Miller, HM Ward, Olivia Cunning, Sarah Fawkes, Jasinda Wilder, and R.K. Lilley.
What’s the last movie you watched and loved?
Gosh this is really a hard one. I would have to say The Conjuring since it was the best scary show I have seen in decades!! Safe Haven would be choice for a feel good movie that I loved.
Most __outspoken_ in high school. (popular, nerdy, sporty…) Why?
I was pretty popular in high school but I was also a bit nerdy. I played piccolo and flute in the high school band.
Top three things on your bucket list.
1)To go back to New Zealand
2)To shop on Bond street in London.
3)To go skinny dipping with David Beckham- Hey a girl can dream!
How did you get the idea for this particular novel?
The idea of Rose of Thorne came to me over 12 years ago and I immediately started writing down it in multiple journals. No one except close personal friends and family had ever seen my work. I have to give thanks to one of those close personal friends, who encouraged me by telling me she believed in my story.
What is your favorite scene in your new release?
The ballet studio love scene is my personal favorite.
If you could be one of your characters – Who would you be? And why?
I would have to say I would want to be Lucas. He isn’t afraid to take chances and always looks at life with a smile. I would absolutely love to have his charm and confidence!
Flirting Questions
Which actor or book character do you have a crush on?
Book- James Cavendish ; Actor- Jensen Ackles.
What’s your favorite body part of the opposite sex?
Mmm..DUH! The love stick! But since we need to be less sex crazed, I will say the upper back-shoulder region. And when it is tanned with tattoos…Umph! **Drool!
What does love feel like?
Love feels like coming home.
Hey, baby! What’s your sign?
When was your last kiss?
Thirty minutes ago.
What’s an absolute no-no in a relationship?
Leaving the toilet seat up!! J Actually cheating is the big NO for me in a relationship.
How did you meet your significant other?
I met my husband when I was seventeen years old while out cruising town with my friends. He was a handsome cocky and just got into my vehicle and demanded my phone number. I had just broken up with someone, so I hated all men at the time, but I gave my number to him anyways. He actually reconfirmed my phone number with my best friend to make sure I didn’t try to deceive him. He called me the next day and we have now been together nineteen years and married eighteen.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
Any meal that I don’t have to cook! Dinner at sunset on beach surrounded by candles.
If you could take a romantic trip, where would it be?
I would love to travel to Ireland with my husband one day.
Do you believe in love at first sight?

Thorneless Playlist
Stay- Rihanna Featuring Nikky Ekko
Red-Taylor Swift
Better Than Me-Hinder
Burning Bridges-One Republic
Too Late To Apologize- One Republic
Wait for You-Elliot Yamin
Radioactive- Imagine Dragons
Just Give Me A Reason- Pink Featuring Nate Ruess
The One That Got Away-The Civil Wars
Hero-Enrique Iglesias
Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart- Alicia Keys
When I Was Your Man- Bruno Mars
Broken-Seether Featuring Amy Lee
Lose To Win – Fantasia
Breathe Me- Sia
Love Hate Thing- Wale
Sad-Maroon 5
Here With Me- Susie Suh x Robot Koch
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus
Florence and the Machine- Never Let Me Go
Losing Your Memory- Ryan Starr
Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars
What Now- Rihanna
Hold on We’re Going Home-Drake
Say Something- A Great Big World Featuring Christina Aguilera
Unconditionally-Katy Perry
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