Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds Review

“I forgot how much I love your mouth baby,” he groans, and I feel her hit my face.

My Review of Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds

This is the second book in the Until series. See my review of Until November (book 1).

I could totally get lost in all things Mayson. First Asher (dear lord) and then Trevor (OMG). Those boys are nothing but absolute walking sex.

We all fall in love with Asher and November in Until November. This is Asher’s brother, Trevor, and sweet, girl next door, Liz’s story. It all starts out after a heated encounter. Just when Liz realizes she’s falling in love with Trevor he pulls away and walks away from her. Never to speak of the moment again.

Liz’s brother steals money from her and her shop, Temptations, forcing Liz to work a second job working a waitress in a strip club. Trevor finds out, and finally pulls his head out of his ass.. yes I said ass – how this alpha caveman male can go so long without Liz completely stumps me. I mean they have this chemistry that literally lights your insides up. He’s found his “boom” as his father explains it and not in a sexual way.

Trevor and Liz do get their happily ever after. Cash and Nico make appearances in this book as well, and definitely leaves us wanting more Mayson brothers – NOW! It really should be a crime to have this many hot brothers in one place. πŸ˜‰ Thank goodness Until Lilly comes out March 5th!

Mrs. Reynolds did another fabulous job on this book, and they just keep getting better and better.

“You seriously have to know how fucking hot you look right now.”

β˜… β˜…Β β˜…Β β˜… β˜…Β  Stars

  • Trevor as a BBF:Β β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…Β β˜…
  • Hotness Level:Β β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…
  • Swoon Level:Β β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

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Until November


Until Trevor

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