Truth or Dare: Dare to Dream by Sloan Johnson Release Blitz

Truth or Dare: Dare to Dream by Sloan Johnson

After four years wishing Lea was more than just his best friend, Colby Davis finally landed the girl! The only catch, she’s insisting that he go to Nashville to follow his dreams. In her mind, the only way they can have a future without regrets is if he makes this move while she finishes college.
Life becomes a whirlwind of activity for Colby after he takes the stage when another artist has to cancel. He’s been told that sometimes life is all about the being in the right place at the right time, and those words have never been truer. The best part? Lea’s there to see it all!
But true to the life Colby is used to, nothing good ever comes easy. Relationships will be tested. There will be periods of doubt. In the end, is it really worth the sacrifice when you dare to dream?



Sloan is a Midwestern mom who began writing nearly seven years ago as a way to make money while staying home with her daughter. Now, with two kids in tow and having written more articles on how to assemble various pieces of furniture than she can count, she is reaching to make her dreams come true.
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