Two Roads by Lili St. Germain (Gypsy Brothers, Book 6) Review

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Two Roads by Lili St. Germain

Gypsy Brothers, Book 6

Release Date: September 30, 2014


The sixth book in the #1 iBooks bestselling Gypsy Brothers series.

Juliette and Jase may be out of Dornan’s immediate reach, but as tensions rise, will they end up walking right into the enemy’s trap?

Can Juliette forgive Jase for his devastating betrayal, or will it destroy everything they’ve been fighting for?


He killed my father. I’m having his baby.

He killed my father. I’m having his baby.

Those two sentences are on repeat in my head, the agony of the rolling waves almost too much for me to bear.

And the agony of my nausea slams into me again with the violent rock of the waves that carry us to safer shores. I think. I hope.

But really, how safe am I? I’m suddenly questioning everything, stuck in a vortex of swirling paranoia and doubt. Is Jase on Dornan’s side? He killed my father. He didn’t even try to deny it.

I can’t believe it, I can’t accept it, and I just wish I could think straight for five fucking minutes. I wish I didn’t feel like this. I’ve left one prison, the one Dornan constructed for me, only to be trapped in one of my own making. The one in my mind that goes over and over and over again.

I’m curled as tight as I can get into a ball on a bed in the main cabin of the boat. We must be going pretty fast, or be in some crazy swell, because I swear if the boat tilted a little more, it’d capsize.

The door is closed. I made Elliot promise he wouldn’t let Jase come in here. I’m going to have to face him eventually, but I just can’t face him now. I don’t want to hear his excuses, if he even has any. He killed my father.

I’ve never been afraid of drowning before, but right now, I’m terrified. Drowning in this ship. Drowning in lies and in blood. Drowning in my own treacherous deceit. For so long, I’ve had only one goal – to destroy Dornan. I was too busy focusing on his suffering to notice or care about my own, and now, I feel so damned broken. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to feel normal again.

In fact, come to think of it, I don’t even know what normal is.

I jump as a warm hand touches my shoulder.

“Hey,” a low voice murmurs beside me.

I turn over to see Elliot lying beside me, his pose mirroring mine. I can see water lashing against the small round window that looks out to the cruel sea we travel within.

“You’re shaking,” Elliot says, frowning as he reaches out a hand to me. Without thinking, I shrink back, an automatic response after three months of Dornan’s psychotic hands being the only ones to reach for me. Elliot’s face crumples into something resembling sadness—despair—as he reaches out to me again, slower this time, and pushes my lank hair back from my face.

Am I even here? I’m not sure. This could all be a dream. An elaborate, drug-induced hallucination. The thought makes me reel. Am I out? Or am I still in the basement? Is Elliot in front of me, or is it Dornan?

I scramble away from Elliot, clambering off the bed and backing up to the far end of the tiny room. Behind me, waves pound violently into the thick glass porthole, the only thing separating us from the deadly currents beyond. The movement of the waves catches my attention and I turn, mesmerized, as I press a trembling palm up to the freezing cold glass.

Am I here? Am I alive?

A nudge in my stomach, nothing more than a flutter really, propels me back to sanity.

Yes. I am here. I am here, while Elliot hovers behind me, and Jase and Luis are somewhere beyond the door that keeps me safe in this room.

And I am carrying a baby inside me. A baby that should never have existed.

And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a terrible thing.

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Gypsy Brothers Series Reading Order

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers #1)

Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers #2)

Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers #3)

Four Score (Gypsy Brothers #4)

Three Years (Gypsy Brothers #5)

Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers #6)

Our Reviews

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My Review of Two Roads by Lili St. Germain

Crammed between Jason Ross and Elliot McRae. In other circumstances, what a delicious sandwich that would be, but with our reality, it’s just fucking weird.

Holy Hell! She did it again. Juliette and Jase freaking kill me. Absolutely kill me. Julz has gone through so much in her young life and really, should she have to go through all this shit? Damn Dornan Ross and the Ross Boys. Once again, Lili St. Germain sucks you in with the hope of a happily ever after and then just slaps you in the face. Then she gives you another freaking heart attack cliffhanger.

All of that said, it is so worth the roller coaster ride of emotions. We’ve seen tough as nails, do what I have to do, Julz and we’ve seen the shit that happened with Dornan in Three Years, now we see yet another side to Juliette in Two Roads. Happiness and tragedy, hope and despair all in one quick, heart-stopping read. At only 101 pages it is a fast read, but I don’t think my heart could handle much more at one time.

In Two Roads, we see Juliette, Elliott, Jase, and Luis. When Three Years ended, they were traveling and that’s where Two Roads picks up. So, settle in…remember to breathe…and get ready for one hell of a ride.

 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

Buy Now

FREE–> Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, #1)
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, #3)
Four Score, Gypsy Brothers, #4)
Three Years (Gypsy Brothers, #5)
Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers, #6)
One Love (Gypsy Brothers, #7)
iBooks | Amazon US | B&N

About the Author

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Lili writes dark romance, suspense and paranormal stories. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.

She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.

Website |Facebook |Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest


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One Grand Prize winner will win a charm necklace PLUS a Gypsy Brothers Swag Pack.

Two additional winners will win a Gypsy Brothers Swag Pack along with Gypsy Brothers “Revenge is Sweet” rubber bracelets.
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4 thoughts on “Two Roads by Lili St. Germain (Gypsy Brothers, Book 6) Review”

  1. I love this series and this last book Two Roads was wonderful and heartbreaking all at the same time, cannot wait until the last book gets here.

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