Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl’s Tale by Dawn Robertson and Jo-Anna Walker Cover Reveal

uncomplicated cover

Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl’s Tale by Dawn Robertson and Jo-Anna Walker Cover Reveal

Scheduled Release Date is February 3, 2014.

Update: Buy Now on Amazon.

You all are going to love this book. Take a peek at my review on Goodreads.


Three days a week I work your everyday nine-to-five. The paperwork is never-ending. The pay is mediocre, and the office drama is simply intolerable. But the other four days a week, I am my own boss.

My name is Jennifer Sunshine and I am a Vegas Call Girl.

My clients range from frat boys on spring break to multimillionaire business men with stuffy

wives and less than ideal equipment.

I don’t have a daddy-complex or some kind of sob story.

I don’t need the money, but it is nice.

The only thing I crave is the exhilarating feeling I get from being in control of something.


My life is uncomplicated, simple even.

That was until he bulldozed his way into my life, and everything changed.

Overnight he makes me realize how much I truly need him.

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About the Authors

Jo-Anna Walker Bio:

I’m a new self-published author who just got introduced to the writing world early 2013. My aunt suggested that I write a story because I’m an avid reader but I waved it off and left it alone. Well this year, a story came to me and I went with it. It took me a little bit but I finally got a story idea that worked and now I can’t stop or control the characters/stories that keep popping up in my head.

I’m born and raised in Canada and I live with my very wonderful and supportive husband, Michael. We don’t have any children (yet) unless you count our cat. My hubby been my rock through this whole new experience for me. I couldn’t have done it without him and my friends and family.

One of the many things I love about this new chapter in my life is that I’m learning constantly.

It’s never a dull moment and as long as one person likes my story, I am happy.

Dawn Robertson Bio:

Dawn Robertson is a twenty-something indie erotic romance, and mother. She lives in sunny senior citizen packed Florida, where she wrangles her kids, and Pitbull puppy.

Dawn can normally be found swearing like a sailor, making late night drive-thru appearances, arguing with her kids (or being run over by their power wheels), reading a steamy romance while hiding in her bathroom, writing her little heart out on her laptop (or dragging her Macbook to the Genius bar praying they can save her latest work in progress), or sipping on a smoothie. She loves to hear from her fans, readers, and authors alike. Feel free to drop her a message.

Dawn rarely takes life seriously, so be sure to expect heavy sarcasm from her. She is also the life of the party, so be sure to meet up with her at one of the many author events she will be attending in the next couple months. Buy her a shot of whiskey, and she will love you for life.

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