Unexpected Consequences by Sloan Johnson Review

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My Review of Unexpected Consequences by Sloan Johnson

Well. Just. Damn. A relationship based around three people is definitely not the norm, but Sloan Johnson makes it real. She brings us right into the middle of a triad between Zeke, Jeff, and Mary. From romance, to fights, to every day life she shows us this relationship from the inside out. We’ve read about these characters in previous Isthmus Alliance stories and I’m thrilled that they all finally have a chance to tell their love story.

Sloan Johnson gives us brutal honesty, beautiful love, and sexy love scenes from beginning to end in Unexpected Consequences. There will be no spoilers in this review, but know that as this series moves along, I’m loving the characters more and more. Her way of writing just pulls you in and doesn’t let go, you want to hang on until the last word and see where the journey takes you.

Zeke is the man I can count on to be tender and loving. Jeff is the one I rely on to be forceful and demanding.

I also want to warn you to have an open mind when reading this book. There are m/m, m/f/m, and f/m sex scenes. If that isn’t something you can have an open mind about, you may not want to grab this book. Personally, I think it was a beautifully written love story with just the right amount of angst and twists.

★ ★ ★ ★  Stars

  • Jeff as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Zeke as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★


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Other books in the Ithmus Alliance Series

~ Unexpected Angel #1 ~
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~ Unexpected Protector #2 ~
Unexpected Protector

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About Sloan Johnson

Sloan Johnson is a big city girl trapped in a country girl’s body. While she longs for the hustle and bustle of New York City or Las Vegas, she hasn’t yet figured out how to sit on the deck with her morning coffee, watching the deer and wild turkeys in the fields while surrounded by concrete and glass.

When she was three, her parents received their first call from the principal asking them to pick her up from school. Apparently, if you aren’t enrolled, you can’t attend classes, even in Kindergarten. The next week, she was in preschool and started plotting her first story soon after.

Later in life, her parents needed to do something to help their socially awkward, uncoordinated child come out of her shell and figured there was no better place than a bar on Wednesday nights. It’s a good thing they did because this is where she found her love of reading and writing. Who needs socialization when you can sit alone in your bedroom with a good book?

Now, Sloan is a tattooed, purple haired mom of two kids, one of which was a thank you present to her husband for letting her get a Staffordshire Terrier with more anxiety issues than Sloan has, which is saying something. She’s been kicked out of the PTA in two school districts and is no longer asked to help with fundraisers because she’s been known to lose herself in a good book and forget that she has somewhere to be.

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