Vengeance by D.M. Earl Release Blitz

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Vengeance by D.M. Earl (The Journals Trilogy Book 2)

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: December 20



I am a survivor.

Ten years ago, my world was shattered. One night changed my life forever by a sadist who took everything from me, just because he could. And while he did this, a green-eyed stranger watched and did nothing … or so I thought.

When my past and present collide, I am swept away by all the memories, horrors, and dreams of my past.

I want revenge.

And finally, after all the years of pain and sacrifices I’ve had to make, an opportunity presents itself. Within a twenty-four hour period, my tormenter and my green-eyed watcher enter my life once again.

Seeing this as my chance, I begin to make use of my blue journal, detailing my plans for revenge; taking matters into my own hands. Will I have what it takes to ignore what is right and wrong? To bring myself to make the men still alive pay for what they took from me? And how do I forgive the man I hold partially responsible when he’s the one supplying me with the means to get what I want?

With only a small window of time available, I have to be ready to take back my life, consequences be damned.

Because of my ANGUISHED past, my present will always be filled with VENGEANCE.

I am Quinn. This is my life—my story.



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Following behind Stone, watching his sports car weave in and out of traffic as I try to keep up with him in my Jeep, I go over what the fuck has happened so far: Walker approaching me, Stone showing his hand at my house.


Just his name sends shivers down my spine and I can’t convince myself if it’s a good or bad thing.

All these years, through my dreams and nightmares, those damn green eyes have been a constant, and now that I’ve finally met the man, I’m more confused than ever. On one hand, I want to put a bullet between those eyes for just watching and not helping me. But after hearing his side, I do sort of understand why. He thought someone was coming. How could he know that that help would never arrive? Nevertheless, it doesn’t make me any less pissed off at him. So, with everything going on, what the fuck do I do? I have a masturbation session with a stranger and have one of the best orgasms I’ve had in a very long time.

About The Author


D.M. Earl lives in Northwest Indiana. She is an avid reader and will devour a book usually in a day. She reads anything from romance, contemporary, erotica and dark reads.

She also loves to ride her Harley next to her hubby. Also D.M. likes being outdoors either working in in the mud on her flower beds or garden or just hanging with her 10 four legged fur “kids.”

Connelly’s Horde is her first published work released July 3, 2014. This is a Novella in her series Wheels & Hogs. Cadence Reflection Book 2 released on November 21, 2014. Gabriel’s Treasure Book 3 in the series released on July 6, 2015. Book 4 is in the works hoping to release in Winter 2016. D.M. has already thought out Books 5 thru 8 so lots more coming from the Horde.

D.M. then started a second series, The Journals Trilogy which is a dark read filled with suspense and drama. Anguish #One released on May 11, 2015. Vengeance #Two releases on December 20, 2015. The final Book #Three will release early 2016.

Please check out her Author pages at:

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