Waiting on Sunrise by Maryann Jordan Excerpt

Waiting on Sunrise by Maryann Jordan

(Baytown Boys Series)

Release Date: September 10, 2018

Baytown Boys

Military duty called them away to war zones, but after tours overseas, the group of friends found their way back home as men, seeking the peaceful little seaside town. Now, the band of brothers, together once more, work to provide a place for less fortunate veterans to call home.

Belle Gunn has watched all her friends find love in Baytown, but for the shy nurse, love has not yet come her way. Wearing her heart on her sleeve, she throws herself into her job in a nursing home and continued studies. Watching the sunrise each morning, she looks for the new day, with all its possibilities, to begin.

Hunter Simmons, landed in Baytown, having heard of the welcoming attitude toward veterans. Since leaving the Navy, he had drifted until finding work in the little coastal town’s nursing home. Working with and living near the beautiful Belle makes him wonder if he can finally settle down.

Mysteries abound at the nursing home and a freak accident brings them together. To stay together, Belle will have to deal with her past and Hunter will have to work through his current problems, for them to find love.



Belle walked through the tiny kitchen of the beach house belonging to Mitch and Tori Evans, two of her close friends. The old fishing cabin had been willed to Mitch by his grandfather and, now, it hosted many gatherings near the Chesapeake Bay. Mitch, the Police Chief, and Tori, owner of The Sea Glass Inn, were outside near the grill.

Darting into the bathroom, she washed her hands at the small sink, hearing the party in full swing through the tiny, open window. The blinds moved slightly with the breeze and her ears perked up as she heard a man call out. Leaning closer, she peeked through the blinds, ignoring the little voice in her head reminding her that eavesdropping was rude.

“Glad you could make it, man!” Zac Hamilton called.

She watched as Hunter walked over to Zac, nodding his thanks as he accepted the proffered beer in Zac’s hand. Looking around the crowd of people milling about, he took a long swig before turning back to Zac.

Zac grinned, clapping him on the shoulder and said, “Just take a load off and enjoy the sunshine, Hunter. Baytown Boys don’t bite…or force conversation.”

Chuckling, Hunter grinned. As she continued to peek through the blinds she was struck by the sheer beauty of his rare smile.

She knew he and Zac had become friends in the Navy, both assigned to the same ship. They appeared to be opposite in personalities though—Zac never met a stranger he could not call a friend, while Hunter rarely spoke. She also knew Hunter had been born in Tennessee but she never heard anyone mention his family. He walked to the side of the deck and she leaned forward, keeping him in her sight as he spoke.

“Still can’t get used to hearing the words Baytown Boys. I expect to see a little league logo on the back of your shirts.”

Zac threw his head back in laughter. “You wouldn’t be too far wrong with that. The title was given to us when we were kids and always played together. Once we hit middle school and played ball, it stuck all the way through graduation.”

Maryann Jordan Author Portrait

About the Author

As an Award Winning, Amazon International Bestselling and All-Star author, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble Best Selling Author, I have always been an avid reader. In 2013 I started a blog to showcase wonderful writers. In 2014, I finally gave in to the characters in my head pleading for their story to be told. Thus, Emma’s Home was created.

My first novel, Emma’s Home became an Amazon Best Seller in 3 categories within the first month of publishing. Its success was followed by the rest of the Fairfield Series and then led into the Love’s Series. Soon, other spin-off series came along and 8 of my books have made Amazon top 100 Bestselling books.

Gabe, from the Alvarez Security Series, won Silver Medal and 5 Star Review by the 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Honor Love was an award-winning novel from the 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Serial Love was an award finalist novel from the 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Coming Home was awarded the 5 Star Review by the 2017 Reader’s Choice Awards.

My books are filled with sweet romance and hot sex; mystery, suspense, real-life characters, and situations. My heroes are alphas, take charge men who love the strong, independent women they fall in love with.

I worked as a counselor in a high school and have been involved in education for the past 30 years. I have just retired and look forward to more time with family and writing!

I have been married to a wonderfully patient man for 36 years and have 2 adult, very supportive daughters.

When writing, my dog or one of my cats will usually be found in my lap!

I love to hear from readers, so please email me!

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