WHEN IT RAINS by Geri Foster Exclusive Excerpt

When it Rains

Rainwater, Texas Book 2

Geri Foster

Release Date: August 28, 2018

Kendall Cochran is done with her ex-husband until he breaks into her house looking for something she doesn’t have. That’s when long time friend, Marcus Matthew comes to protect her. However, Kendall doesn’t need rescuing.

When they learn what her ex wants and why, Kendall and Marcus work together to bust up a gang searching for evidence that their leader murdered a high ranking official.


Exclusive Excerpt

Mortification turned to anger as she stood stock still, practically stapled to the floor.

Someone had the nerve to break into her apartment.

The realization hit her like a Wild West Texas wind. People didn’t do this in Rainwater. It simply didn’t happen. Especially after all the security precautions she’d taken. Being a single, working woman running a small business she had to be careful. She had nothing of value in the apartment to entice anyone to break in.

So why had this happened?

Marcus stepped in front of her, putting her safely behind him. “Stay here,” he whispered. “Call Lucas.”

She immediately complied and stay against his back.

From the corner of her eye she spotted movement. A thump sounded to her left and when she turned she immediately recognized Bobby Joe, her ex-husband.

“What are you doing here?” Kendall demanded, careful to keep her voice a lot calmer than she felt. “You don’t belong here.” She pointed to the living room. “Did you do this?”

“I need something you have.” He took a dangerous step forward. “And I want it now.”

“What?” She circled to his right, preventing him from getting too close. As cowardly as it might seem, she knew defensively to keep Marcus between them.

“You’ve got the thumb drive and I need it. Now! Don’t screw with me, Kendall. I’m not in the mood.”

Marcus knocked Bobby Joe’s hands aside as he reached for her. “Stay where you are, Cochran. Lucas is on the way.”

“I don’t give a damn,” he snarled. “I just want what belongs to me.”

Confusion settled in Kendall’s mind. She shook her head in desperation. “Bobby Joe, I don’t have anything that’s yours. When we split you went through everything and took what you wanted.”

“I hid the thumb drive in a shoebox in your closet. I didn’t think it was important at the time, but now it’s sort of an insurance policy, for personal security. And I need it. I’ve got to get my hands on that evidence or they’ll kill me for sure.”

She stumbled backwards until she hit the wall. “Who? Why?” She tripped over a broken end table and fell. The past having taught her being on the floor rarely worked in her favor, she quickly and clumsily scrambled to her feet quick. “What are you talking about? Who wants what?” She shook her head. “You’re not making sense.”

“Dangerous people. My life is on the line here.” He held out his hand. “Give it to me.” When she didn’t move fast enough, he charged.

Within seconds he had her trapped against the wall, his hands around her throat squeezing with all his strength. She gasped, her nails clawing at his hands. Panic set in and Kendall wondered if he really intended to murder her. She kicked out, her foot connecting with his shin. He howled but didn’t release her.

No, no. no. This is just like last time! He’s going to try to kill me!

For as long as she can remember, Geri Foster has been a lover of reading and the written word. By the seventh grade she had worn out two library cards and had read every book in her age area of the library. After raising a family and saying good-bye to the corporate world, she tried her hand at writing.

To her surprise, she won a couple of contests, hooked up with a really great critique group and her writing career was well on its way. She spent several years studying her craft and developing her voice.

Action, intrigue, danger and sultry romance drew her like a magnet. That’s why she had no choice but to launch her published career with action-romance suspense. While she reads every genre under the sun, she’s always been drawn to guns, bombs and fighting men. Secrecy and suspense move her to write edgy stories about daring and honorable heroes who manage against all odds to end up with their one true love.

To keep the serious side of life at bay, Geri likes to write sexy short stories for her fans. In the Women of Courage series, Geri explores the deeper, darker nuances of life and relationships in small-town mid-century America.

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