Without Hesitation by CJ Azevedo (The Without Series Book 3) Review

without hesitation butterfly teaser


“I can’t make you mine right now, Macie.” He sounded dejected.

“I know,” she whispered across his lips, this time pressing her mouth against his.

“I don’t trust anybody else with you,” he said as she deepened the kiss a little more, but he wasn’t letting her fully in.

She licked his top lip and a small groan came out against his wishes. “I know, Sugar Plum.” She kissed just his bottom lip; being the only participant in the kiss was becoming challenging.

Greyden laughed. “Noooo.” He gripped her face, stopping her ministrations. She scrunched up her nose at him. “Macie, remember our plans?”

She nodded. How could she forget? They had a future together, just not a present.

He tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “I promise to keep my mouth shut if you want to date, if you promise to date guys your own age and to be smart.”

Macie’s shoulders sagged in disappointment. That’s not where she was hoping he was going to go with that. “Grey, I don’t—”

“Butterfly,” he slides a finger to her lips effectively shushing her, “I wish I could be that guy for you right now, but I can’t. I know that others can’t either, but apparently you’re going to have to figure that one out on your own. That’s why I ask that you wait ‘til you’re eighteen for the major stuff. Because, Butterfly…God. Macie James, you’re not the girl guys screw around with. You’re the girl guys marry. You’re the girl I’m going to marry.”

Macie gasped in complete shock at his words. Stunned speechless. What does one say to that anyway?

Thankfully, she didn’t have to think too long. Greyden slid off the truck, coming in close contact along her body, not letting her back up. He leaned down, his lips hovering over hers momentarily, just barely brushing them before pressing the sweetest kiss to her hyper aware lips. His lips were soft and warm and Macie wanted to pull him even closer than he already was and open up to him, but that’s not the kind of kiss he was giving her. No, he was giving her a kiss of a promise, a promise of a future, of a friendship and of a love that will only bloom with time, that’s what this kiss was. It was kind of heartbreaking on her end. It may be what he wanted and needed right now, but he just told her he was going to marry her, yet she couldn’t really kiss him, or have him.

My Reviews of previous Without Series Books

Without Boundaries

Without Doubt

My Review of Without Hesitation by CJ Azevedo (The Without Series Book 3)

Do you want me to stop? Don’t tell me to stop, Butterfly.

Without Hesitation is the third book in The Without Series by CJ Azevedo. All three are complete stories and can stand-alone, although reading each one will give you background for the other books in the series. This is Greyson and Macie’s story and it starts back at her 14th birthday. Unlike the other two books in this series, Without Hesitation goes back and forth over the last 11 years. You get two points of view throughout the entire story, and the “flashbacks” are broken down in chapters.

It was a little difficult going back and forth in the beginning, but CJ Azevedo was laying the groudwork for the ultimate love story. Greyson and Macie were best friends, even if their friends didn’t know the extent of the relationship. There were moments when I found myself being angry with Grey for his selfishness, although he didn’t see it as selfish – he was trying to do right by Macie by not making a commitment until he could back it up. On some level, I understand but as it continues over the years, you just have to ask yourself how long would you wait?

Good question. You’ll have to read the book to find out what happens in Grey and Macie’s situation and if they ultimately find what they’re looking for. I’d put this series in my beach-read pile. I think Grey may actually be my favorite BBF out of the three books in the series.

★ ★  Stars

  • Grey as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ 1/2
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★

Buy Now

Without Boundaries (The Without Series 1)

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Without Doubt (The Without Series 2)

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Without Hesitation (The Without Series 3)

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About the Author

Being a dreamer her whole life, CJ had big plans as a child to move to New York and live the city life. She wanted to escape the small country town she grew up in and be an independent woman. The dreaming never stopped, changed a little but never stopped. Instead she married a boy from that small country town and decided to somewhat travel together. One day, living in Northern California they decided to pack up and move to Texas, just because. That’s where she resides today doing what she loves the most… mothering her children, loving her Husband and living vicariously through all of the stories she gets to create and write up daily.

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