Finding Solace by Barbara Speak Promotional Tour and Giveaway

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Finding Solace by Barbara Speak

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publication Date: November 24th, 2013

Tour Host: Dreams Come True Promotions


When Sadie Warren finds herself struggling to overcome an abusive relationship after high school, she seeks confidence by using random men to gain strength. All of that changes after one encounter leaves her to question everything she thinks she knows about who she is. In her journey of self discovery, Sadie finds out the hard way that sometimes love just isn’t enough. But then again, it can be.

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About the Author

I am a hard working wife and mother of two of the best kids ever. I spend my days sneaking in any reading that I can. When the idea of Finding Solace came to me, I had no choice but to get it out of my head and put it into yours.

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