Scorpio Stinger MC Prequel: Ryder by Jani Kay Review

scorpio stinger mc ryder

Scorpion Stinger MC Prequel: Ryder by Jani Kay

My Review of Scorpion Stinger MC Prequel: Ryder by Jani Kay

WooWee! Hot! Hot! Hot! First of all, let me explain this to you this is a prequel. It’s the back story of Ryder Knox and Jade Summers. The first book is due out in March, and now all of a sudden I can’t wait for March to come…well besides all the other books that are due out, but this is up there on my list!!

Jade Summers is the proverbial good girl. She’s on her way to becoming a successful lawyer at her Daddy’s firm. She’s smart, funny, sassy, blonde hair and blue eyed. She’s working at her job (rental agency that is also family owned) until she finishes school, when Ryder Knox walks in her office and knocks her on her ass. Not physically, just enough to piss her off with his “king is cash” and his alpha cave man ways.

She takes one look at him and knows he’s bad news. The body wants what the body wants and Ryder is one hunk-a-hunk-of-burning-love with steel grey eyes, a scar on his face from a dark past, and forearms for days. He needs a rental pronto. Seems his MC has to hide out while they figure out just how bad their rival MC wants to retaliate.

Can they resist each other when the annoying alpha male becomes protective alpha male? Oh, and what beats sexy motorcycle sex? You MUST read Jade and Ryder’s story in this quick story.

This was the first book that I’ve read from author Jani Kay, but now I want to go read Lost in France, which includes (Ryder’s brother) Max’s story.

Read this book and see how their worlds really do collide and intertwine. I for one can’t wait for book two and look forward to reading more from Jani Kay.

★ ★ ★   Stars

  • Ryder as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Hotness Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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About the Author

Jani has been married for a long time to a special man, and her two children and their partners are the sunshine in her life. She is a voracious reader and would spend her last dollar on a book – always fascinated that for the mere price of a book, she can escape her world for a while and see through someone else’s eyes.

Besides reading, her favorite ‘thing’ is traveling – she has traveled the world, learning about the ways people live and has come to the realization that no matter where we live, we all ultimately want the same things. Her hobby – Scrapbooking – keeps her up till way after midnight and her usual subjects are her family and her travels.

Ever since she can remember, Jani wanted to write stories about people, about their lives and loves. Relationships and Happiness – arguably the most difficult things to master in life and yet exactly what everyone ultimately desires (in her humble opinion).

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