Cashmere and Camo by Erin Nicholas Excerpt

Cashmere and Camo by Erin Nicholas

Series: Billionaires in Blue Jeans Book 3
Release Date May 08, 2018


A friends to lovers romance…and then some.

Run a pie shop with her sisters for a year. Date for the first time at age twenty-nine. Don’t be terrified.

Well, she’s got the first thing under control at least. Mostly.

But this is exactly what a best friend is for. Advice, pep talks, matchmaking, sex education…

So what if her best friend is a guy? A very hot, tattooed, ex-Marine, mechanic guy? He’s definitely well-versed in everything she needs to know. And she trusts him. Who better to teach her the man-woman stuff she’s been missing out on?

But there could be one tiny problem. The only person causing her any butterflies…and dirty dreams…is her matchmaker himself.


“Are you okay?”

He glanced over to find Brynn watching him with clear concern. He made himself relax his expression. “Sure.”

“I know you don’t really want to do this tonight,” she said.

“It’s not that.” He didn’t want to do this, but that wasn’t why he was tense and pissed off. “This is fine.”

“Well, I was thinking,” she said, shifting in her seat to face him. “Maybe we can arrange it so that you’re my last guy.”

Noah felt his heart jam in his throat and he had to clear it before replying, “What do you mean?”

“The way I understand it, the women all sit at a table by themselves. Then the guys are the ones who rotate through the room. I think we can figure out the pattern and arrange it so you can be the last one to talk to me.”

“You want me to be last?” Of course, he couldn’t shake what Mitch had said about being last, the one who wouldn’t have to give her up and watch her move on.

“Oh, definitely,” she said. “I’ll be able to look forward to it through all the other ones. And then, of course, we can leave together.”

Heat and want flashed through him. Damn right they were leaving together. He didn’t care who else talked to her, he knew who was taking her home.

And he wasn’t kissing just her cheek tonight.

“Of course we’re leaving together,” he said. He wondered if she could hear the gruffness in his voice.

“But they can’t know that we came together,” she said. “We’ll have to go in separately. And pretend we don’t know each other.”

Noah scowled. “Why?”

“Well, it’s a little awkward to speed date someone who came with someone else.”

“People never bring friends along to these things?”

Brynn shrugged. “I don’t know. Yeah, I guess they probably do. But maybe not guy friends.” She grinned. “Unless you want to be my gay best friend along for moral support.”

“I’m not going to be your gay best friend.”

She laughed. “Good. There would have been a lot of very disappointed girls in that bar tonight.”

He didn’t say anything to that. He didn’t care about any of the other women that would be there tonight.

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About the Author

I’ve been reading romance since my mom first let me into her book cupboard when I was about fourteen. LaVyrle Spencer, Julie Garwood, Debbie Macomber… they took my ‘happily ever after’ ideas from animated princesses to real people in the real world.

I’ve been writing romance almost as long. Many a family car trip was spent with my head bent over a spiral notebook in the back seat. I’ll confess that my very first attempts at fiction were fantasy and paranormals, influenced by my father’s love of the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the original Alice in Wonderland. If Harry Potter had been around, I’m sure he would have been on the bedtime story shelf as well.

But it wasn’t long until I started writing about true love and that’s where I’ve been ever since.

I’m so thrilled to be able to share these stories with you! I hope that they make you smile, sigh, maybe even choke up a little. Most of all, I hope that they help you believe in magical things like first kisses, the spark of passion, and the power of true love.

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