Connected by the Sea by E.L. Todd Review

Disclosure: I received an ARC of Connected by the Sea for my honest review.

connected by the sea

Connected by the Sea


Sydney is attending University of Hawaii on Oahu where she’s majoring in Marine Biology. She loves her friends, her job, and her school. Since her ex-boyfriend cheated on her six months ago, she hasn’t moves onto anybody new yet. When Coen catches her eye, she’s immediately attracted to him in a very carnal way. She refused to let herself feel that way because he’s a heartbreaker just like her ex was. But when she’s called to her professor’s office because she’s asked to tutor someone, she doesn’t realize it’s Coen. Will he convince her that he really is boyfriend material or will he turn out just as she suspects?

My Review

Connected by the Sea by E.L. Todd has a really nice story line. I enjoyed the love connection between Sydney and Coen and even the triangle, when you add Henry to the mix. To be honest though, I did not particularly like the style of writing. It was just not a style that I like while others may like it just fine. Part of my issue is that I’d often get confused by the dialog. It was not clear who was saying what at times and I’d find myself back tracking to identify who was talking. My other issue was that it just didn’t flow and sometimes the choice of words or verbiage used seemed very odd to me.

When I first started reading, it took me awhile to get into the book. However, I pushed through and continued reading only to be drawn in by the story. The story is great and I found myself wanting to get back to reading to see how things would work out.

It is a quick read and again, a good story line so I think it’s worth a read even though I’m only giving it 2.5 stars. While the ending is not a cliff hanger, there are plenty of loose ends that are waiting to be tied up in the second book and would make me want to pick it up to find out what happens.

Available on Amazon.

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